Thank you for your letter, which arrived today. I'm sorry your father is still unwell – will you give him my best wishes please? I hope he'll soon be feeling better.
Tonight I have been out for the first time since arriving here on Monday morning! I haven't been feeling terrifically well this week – probably owing to the mid-night journey, followed by too much "swatting". However, I'm feeling better tonight , hence the walk. I went to the sea, though not to Mumbles – only Swansea Bay. It was quite nice though, as there was a moon, but very cold, as it has been ever since I came back.
It's bad luck Richard going into the infantry – do you know which regiment it is? Yes, I've heard of these intelligence tests & once read (or partially read) a book on the subject, I think they're pretty good, & a reliable test of intelligence.
Fancy sleeping through an alarm!
The only thing I could think of as an alternative to a shaving mirror was a quarter pound of liquorice allsorts, but I'll try and think again.
Today there was quite a big post awaiting me at tea time – your letter, my essay from Ruskin College, & the statement of my account from the War Office. The remark on my essay this time was "some very good points; well expressed", so that's alright.
The financial statement I haven't really examined yet. My salary is now £221, as I thought, at present I am having some money (9d per day) knocked off my civil pay and not being paid to me by the army, so this (since November) will have been accumulating in my army credit. I think there should be quite a large amount in that now, and as soon as I get the chance, I'll find out just how much there is.
The bloke who didn't arrive back from his week end leave is now back, having been delayed on account of his sister, who was apparently taken very ill while he was at home.
We haven't had the marks from our exam, & it looks as if we shan't do now. {Perhaps "ignorance is bliss").
Today we managed to get our wireless all wired up ready for reception, Unfortunately, we were unable to get hold of a pair of ear phones, so couldn't try it to see if it worked, but we hope to do so tomorrow. Then we start adding more things to it, it being a bigger & more powerful set.
Our Algy is still here, but we are hoping (very much) that he is going to his wife on Saturday. To make sure, we have invented "Gwyllym" in imaginary cousin of Esme's, who is coming here to take Algy's place on Saturday. At dinner time today, we talked about "Gwyllym" for about half an hour, so that we are almost beginning to believe in him ourselves. Tomorrow we are borrowing a suit case from one of the lads, & we are putting it in our bedroom, & going to tell Algy that it is Gwyllym's luggage (or part of it) sent in advance! So that ought to shift him!
Well, Margaret, there's no more news. I'm working terribly hard, & so the time is going quickly. Each day that goes brings our marriage a day nearer, & already it seems much nearer than when we talked of it a month ago. I am so looking forward to it.
I'm writing this letter so I can post it in good time to reach you on Saturday, & not have such a sad do as a fortnight ago. If possible I'll ring you on Sunday between 8 & 9.
Goodnight, look after yourself,
All my love,
Your own,Tom
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