Sunday, 12 February 2012

extract Tom to Margaret 10.2.1942

Everything is all nicely arranged for the weekend, and so everything else lies with us to make the most of it – which I'm sure we shall do, shan't we darling? I found out this evening that my pass is all in order, and signed, so that all is well. It's still uncertain whether I shall be able to catch the early train, but I rather think it will be possible to do so. It is due in at Paddington at 3.45 pm being a passing speed train withal. The only thing is that we are due to have a test this week, and it may be on either Thursday or Friday, and if the latter, probably from 10 - 12 I think the best thing will be for me to ring you up when I arrive at Paddington – if before 4.30 at the office, and if after that time at home. So if you've heard nothing by about 5.00, I think you can assume I shan't ring up 'til about 9.00pm, as before.
I hope you have arranged to sleep at our house alright? And I hope you've been able to arrange for us to see a bit of Jonah on the Saturday. I am so looking forward to this week end, as you know, because I think I've told you in every letter since I last saw you.
And, as I write that, I can see you again as you looked when last I did see you – looking I think more lovely than ever. Then we were saying goodbye, but on Friday we shall be able to look forward to two whole days together.
There's no real news. I've hardly been further than just across the road to the college. Yesterday I rushed off after tea to the shops, to get the film I had developed. They have developed & printed it extremely badly so it's not up to much. However, I'll bring it on Friday. Woolworth's hadn't any curtain rings _ If I have a chance I'll try again before I come home.
Goodnight & God bless you.
Your own

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